Wednesday, 20 July 2011


Spanish class was  quite good yesterday - found out I'm actually doing the same things as Alice and Chris, just I'm having almost private lessons.

We had lunch with a another family tht we teach yesterday.  It was very awkard as they speak very basic english - there was a very awkard silence when we were eating and both me and Alice nearly started hysterical laughter.  Luckily they put some music on which made it a bit easier!

The lesson went well - we taught them how to say the time and played the shopping game again.  At the end of the lesson quite a few of them stayed to chat and one of them has asked if we can record her a list of words in english for the pronunciation and then she is going to record them in Spanish for us.

We also got two more invites for lunch!

We were going to go the fundraiser for the organisation we are working for in Colombia last night but when we got home a few others at the hostel wanted us to go and play a game of tejo - its basically like bowling, but instead of skittles you have bags of gunpowder and if you buy a crate of beer you get to play for free!!  It was in someone's travel guide and we though it would be fun, so made our way there.  There are police and soldiers on every street corner so we asked them where it was, and they gave us directions but when we got there we couldn't find it and no one had a clue where it was.  There was a billiards hall though so we thought e would just play that instead, but because it is a festival today (Independence day) nowhere was allowed to stay open.  So we resorted to buying a crate of beer (which came to just over £10 between 6 of us) and a bottle of Aguardiente - a Colombian spirit which is basically their version of Sambuca, but doesn't taste as good!

So there was me, Alice, Chris, three Americans, an Argentinian and someone from Malasia.  It was a really good night and both me and Alice found a step that we never knew existed in our room - I went flying up it and she went flying down it!  The American's were hilarious, especially watching them trying to drink the Aguardiente!

We got up this morning and the hostel had gone from being empty to overflowing!  We have lunch later with one of the Mums that we teach.  Because of the festival the transmilenia (their transport system) is not running so she is coming to pick us up which is very nice of her!  She speaks more English than a lot of the people we teach so it should be a lot less awkward.  Except for the fact that we cannot remember her name - we keep calling her Daniel's mum!  She is also the one who is going to record the Spanish words for us.  Its quite fun becaue we speak to her in Spanish and she speaks to us in English.

Anyway, we are going to go and see the parade this morning before we go for lunch.

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